Guntermann & Drunck DVICenter DP16 16 dynamic ports, requires DVI-CON

Guntermann & Drunck DVICenter DP16

16 dynamic ports, requires DVI-CON

Varenr: A2300036
Bestillingsvare (19 dager)


As a part of the expansion module "TS function", CrossDisplay-Switching enables users to switch between channels simply by moving the mouse. The mouse acts as if on a “virtual desktop” and can be moved seamlessly across the connected displays. Moving the cursor from the active to another display, the keyboardmouse focus automatically switches to the connected computer.

Now users can create an intuitive multi-monitor console and use the mouse to easily switch between channels.

Monitoring & SNMP

The DC-Monitoring feature enables you to detect the system status of G&D devices.
The web interface of the particular device provides information that can be sent (SNMP trap) or queried (SNMP GET) as well.

Dynamic Ports

The dynamic ports of the DVICenter are usable for computer or user modules. The DVICenter identifies automatically if a computer module or console module is connected.

Channel grouping

In addition to combining multiple computers to a console, the DVICenter also supports multi-monitor workstations for computers with several video outputs. Here, multiple channels can easily be combined as channel groups.

As always, you can administrate all functions in the DVICenter web interface. In addition to multiple screens, you can include other signals in these groups. The system also transmits and switches transparent USB2.0 signals as well
as RS232.

Stacking function

The stacking function enhances the system’s flexibility even further. The feature increases the number of ports by combining up to ten DVICenter devices via bus port. The ports of the stacked switches are switched in parallel to the master system. Now you can create multi monitor workstations and
assign consoles with USB or RS232 channels.


If multiple DVICenter ports are grouped as multi-channel configuration,
the new USB pinning function enables you to hold the USB transmission on the current computer even when switching to another channel. In this case the USB transmission is not interruped but transmitted to the end.



  • Failover connection (if the central module fails, you can establish a direct connection between user module and computer module and still operate the system). This feature is provided with a cable length of max. 140m.
  • Support of external authentication via LDAP, Active Directory, TACACS+, Radius
  • Redundant power supply


  • Accesses only the computers' standard interfaces
  • Requires no software installation
  • Available as desktop and 19" variant
  • Shipped in an aluminium housing for best noise immunity
  • Redundant power supply
  • Hot-pluggable system components
  • Stay-alive function for computers
  • Optional integration of power switches (Hardboot CCX)

Network / Communication 

  • Access protection and user administration can be switched off
  • Auto-recognition and display of the system structure
  • Two network ports
  • Configuration over web interface
  • Central update of all DVICenter components over network
  • Support of AMX Crestron control


  • Expandable to up to 6,750 computers or 62 consoles
  • Expandable with power-switching component
  • Increases the system range to up to 10,000 m over fibre optics
  • Firmware expansion for multi-monitor consoles (TS function)
  • Firmware expansion for moving/getting own or external screen contents (Push-Get function)
  • Firmware expansion for preparing the switching over network (IP-Control-API)